Solar Power

Solar Powered Trailers

Evolve Solar Teardrop Trailers are powered by GoPower! solar products. GoPower! solar panels are made from high-quality materials making them incredibly dependable. Here are some advantages of solar energy:

  • Low Maintenance
  • Renewable Energy Source
  • Off-Grid Camping
  • Safe and Reliable
  • Easy to Use

How does it work?

The Evolve Traverse is the only model that contains a complete solar powered system onboard. It is equipped with a 100-watt flexible mono-crystalline solar panel that contours to the shape of the trailer. Solar panels convert sunlight into direct current (D/C), in turn, charging your batteries to provide power to your favourite electronics. To ensure a renewable energy system functions properly, a solar controller or “solar charger” is required.

A solar charger is a control mechanism that regulates the energy that is being collected from the solar panel and then transferred into the batteries. Without a solar charger, batteries are not protected against overloading, which can result in damage.

Batteries in a solar powered system function as a power-bank. The more you have, the longer you can power your electronics. The Evolve Traverse comes equipped with two 100 Amp/Hr AGM batteries, providing you a total of 200 amperage hours. AGM batteries are an absorbent glass matt deep-cycle industrial battery. These liquid sealed batteries are capable of having their power drawn down more than 30%, then quickly recharged back to 100%.

When the wall outlets are not in-use, your trailer operates in 12-volt D/C power. D/C power runs all of the lighting, DC & USB chargers as well as other items. When a device is plugged into a wall outlet, such as a computer, 110-volt A/C power is now required. Power is provided when the wall outlet sends a message to the inverter requesting energy. The inverter then uses D/C power from the batteries, converts it into A/C power, and sends A/C power to the required wall outlets. Now your electronic devices are being powered from renewable energy.

For a more in-depth understanding of how Solar Panels work, check out the video below by Richard Komp. 

For more technical information on how each component operates within the solar-powered system, please review the Product Specification sheets below this video.

Can’t Get Enough Solar?

No worries! Go Power! can help you better understand solar power, how their products work, as well as show you a wide variety of products to choose from. If you need power for your recreational trailers, boats or even your work trucks… Go Power! has you covered.

OUr Office

Evolve Solar Teardrops Ltd.
20-3347 B 262 Street,
Aldergrove, BC
Canada, V4W 3V9

Contact us

Tel: 1 (604) 625-EVLV (3858)

© 2023 by Evolve Solar Teardrops Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

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